Writing Groups and Group Study Sessions

Did you know that TASC offers group study sessions, workshops, and writing groups?
TASC’s writing groups are a space to write independently in the company of other students. We host an upper division/GWAR writing group and a grad student writing group, both on Zoom. No appointment needed—just drop in.
Plan with TASC is a monthly online session where you can share time management tips with other students and fill out your planner or to-do list for the upcoming month.
And, coming soon, a reading group for all students to read in community. Like our writing group, this reading group will be a casual drop-in time on zoom. Stay tuned...
We also host several course-specific group study sessions and workshops, for courses including COMM 150, CHEM 115, CHEM 233, ECON 101, and PHIL 110. More info on this schedule. (Be sure to click on both tabs.)
Questions? Email tutoring@sfsu.edu.