Finals Week Activities - Fall 2021

Appointment and Drop-in Support
SF State's Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC) will be offering regular tutoring during finals week. You can meet with us on campus in LIB 220 Monday through Thursday from 10am to 4pm or online via Zoom Monday through Thursday from 8am to 8pm and Friday from 8am to 2pm. To schedule an appointment, access Navigator and select Learning Support. You can also drop in for support Monday through Thursday from 10am to 4pm (on campus in LIB 220 and online via Zoom) and on Friday from 10am to 2pm (online via Zoom only).
Destress for Finals
TASC is also partnering with the Library and Health and Wellness to offer a mindfulness space in LIB 244. We'll have guided meditations, positive affirmations, destressing activities, moving meditations, and more. Check our socials at the links below for more information.
Get Social with Us
To stay up to date on information and activities, connect with us on the following platforms: Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook